By Colm

2025年 02月 21日 08:11

Asian man and woman discuss English vocabulary lessons at the British Council Library


1. Tomorrow, I’m having a barbecue with friends. 

2. I think Brazil will win the next World Cup. 

英文法のヒント: この出来事が確実に起こると思っていますか? 

英語では、さまざまな文法構造を使って、未来についての考えを表現できます。適切に使い分けるには、まず、その出来事が確実に起こると思っているかどうかを自問しましょう。上記の例では、1文目は具体的な計画を表しています。“Tomorrow, I am having a barbeque with friends.”このような具体的な計画について話す場合は、現在進行形を使います。 
2文目は、個人的な意見に基づく予測を表しています。実際に起こるか起こらないか、確実ではありません。このようにあまり確実ではない意見を話す場合は、助動詞「will」を使います。これは、単純未来時制と呼ばれることもあります。たとえば、「I think Brazil will win the next World Cup.」のように使います。   




Grammar Structure 

Sample English sentence 

When to use it 

Present Continuous 

(subject + “to be” + gerund) 

Next week, I’m travelling to Thailand for a short holiday. 

To express a very concrete plan for the future (often used to talk about arrangements in the near future) 

Present Simple 

(subject + base verb ; add “-s” or “-es” to base verb after the subjects he/she/it) 

My flight arrives in Bangkok at 11a.m. next Monday. 

To talk about an action or event which forms part of a future timetable 

“going to” 

(subject + “to be” + “going to” + base verb) 

• I’m going to eat healthy food in Thailand. 


• My weather app says that the temperature is going to be very hot in Thailand. 


• To express a plan or an intention for the future.You do not need to provide evidence – it’s just an idea! 


• You can also use this grammar structure to express a prediction about the future, that is based on evidence 

“will” (Future Simple) 

(subject + will + base verb) 

I think I will need GPS to find my way around Bangkok. 

To express your opinion about the future.Because it’s an opinion, and may not have evidence, this structure is commonly used with expressions of doubt like “I think”, “maybe” or “perhaps” *   

* 単純未来は他の用途にも使用できます。約束を表現するときによく使われます。例: (“I will phone you later”) or, “I’ll phone you later”. 
例: “Don’t worry, I’ll help you to paint your house”  
例: ‘Oh no, the supermarket is closed!I can’t buy food to cook.I’ll have to get a take-away for dinner’ 


「will」は否定文でも使えます。形は2つあり、「will not」の方がフォーマルですが、よく使われるのは、‘will not’, which is ‘won’t’.の方です。 
‘The Ministry report states that the economy will not recover by next year.’  
‘If I don’t have enough money, maybe I won’t go on holidays next summer’.   

' This time tomorrow, I will be giving a presentation at work to 100 people!' 
(structure:subject + will + be + gerund). 
For example, 
‘By the end of next year, I will have finished my Masters degree.’ 
(structure:subject + will + have + past participle). 

「to be」の英文法構造を使って未来について話す方法 

英語で未来について話す場合、「to be」の動詞構造を使ったフレーズも使用できます。次の表には、間もなく起こること、あるいは将来のさまざまな時点で起こることを表現する場合の使い方をまとめています。 


Sample sentence 

When to use it 

To be about to 

(subject + “to be” + about to + base verb) 

Ed Sheeran is about to release his new album. 

To express an action which is going to happen very soon 

To be due to 

(subject + “to be” + due to + base verb) 


Ed Sheeran is due to release his new album next summer. 

To express an action which we expect to happen at a certain time in the future 

To be likely to 

(subject + “to be” + likely to + base verb) 

His new album is likely to have huge commercial success. 

To express an action/situation which will probably happen at some point in the future, but we’re not sure when 

未来について話す: よくある3つの英文法の間違い 

英語の学習者は、「going to」を使うときに動詞「to be」を入れるのを忘れがちです。  


Scientists say this summer is going the hottest ever.✗ 

Scientists say that this summer is going to be the hottest ever.✓ 


My aunt will be retire next month.✗ 

My aunt is retiring next month.✓  
“My aunt is going to retire next month”.)✓


I’ll turn off the radio when this song will finish.✗ 

I’ll turn off the radio when this song finishes.✓ 


テレビドラマと小説で有名なシリーズ『Game of Thrones』のファンの方なら、何度も出てくる台詞「Winter is coming」をご存じでしょう。将来の苦難に備えよという、ウェスタロスの住民への警告です。この将来の苦難が避けられないものであることを強調するために、現在進行形の英文法構造が使われています。   

YouTube史上屈指の人気曲が、ラッパーであるウィズ・カリファがチャーリー・プースをフィーチャーした『See You Again』です。映画『ワイルド・スピード』シリーズ第7作のサウンドトラック収録曲として2015年に公開されたこの曲は、映画の撮影終了直後に交通事故で亡くなった俳優ポール・ウォーカーに捧げられました。ラッパーのウィズ・カリファは、来世で友人のポールに会うことを想像し、「I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again」と歌っています。 

ミニ クイズ 


1. I will meet my friend at 7 o’clock this evening. 

2. Tim going to visit his brother this weekend. 

3. This time next year, I will live in Berlin. 

4. Mia is about to sell her house in the next five years. 

5. I think I’m likely pass my driving test next week. 

6. After the movie will finish, I’ll meet you in front of the cinema. 

7. Aisha wants to study medicine when she is going to go to university.


1. I am meeting my friend at 7 o’clock this evening.(or “I am going to meet …”) 

2. Tim is going to visit his brother this weekend. 

3. This time next year, I will be living in Berlin. 

4. Mia is due to sell her house in the next five years.(or “Mia is going to sell …”) 

5. I think I’m likely to pass my driving test next week. 

6. After the movie finishes, I’ll meet you in front of the cinema. 

7. Aisha wants to study medicine when she goes to university.