By 英会話スクールチーム

2021年 03月 26日 08:03


ブリティッシュ・カウンシル英会話スクールで教える講師David Cruseによる外出自粛の期間の気づきについての記事の投稿です。Davidは、大人向け英語コースmyClass等を担当する講師です。

English follows Japanese.







1. 定期的に挑戦し続けること。



初期の段階では、YouTubeをよく利用しました。また、レシピブログを見たり、疑問に思ったことをGoogleで 検索したりしました。特に、形を整えたり折ったりする技術は、詳しく調べなければわからなかったと思います。

3. 人とつながる。






5. 実験することを恐れないでください。


6. 学ぶことで、思いがけない方法で学ぶことができる。



 皆さんも私がパン作りで やったようなことを英語学習でもぜひ応用してみてください。来年の今頃は、目標に近づき、全く新しいチャンスの世界が広がり成長した1年を振り返っているかもしれません。  飯田橋のブリティッシュ・カウンシルに受講生の皆さんが戻ってくるのを楽しみにしています。

Learning lessons in the state of emergency 

The past year has brought terrible loss of life throughout the world and has also forced so many of us to change our work and lifestyles. I’ve been one of the lucky ones, able to continue to teach students online in the state of emergency and, in a year of tragedy, learn new things and connect with hundreds of other people through my job.  

Here, I’d like to share the story of a skill I learnt. Although, it’s not a story about language learning, I think many of the lessons I learnt can also apply to learning English.  

So, what did I learn?    

To bake bread.  

This time last year, I bought a new oven and baked my first loaf. It was pretty bad and I made a big mess in my kitchen – I can still remember the stress of worrying about accurate timings and measurements. A year later, you could say my breadmaking ‘fluency’ has really improved! I can make a loaf while watching a movie, without any recipe, and it always turns out soft, crusty, and delicious. 

Looking back, I would like to share six lessons from a very bready year.  

1. Keep trying and try regularly.

I have made bread almost every Sunday evening for a year – that’s around 50 tries. This is the most important lesson I learnt. Even when I didn’t feel like putting aside three hours to bake a loaf, I did it – and ended up with a delicious result.   

2. Use the resources available.

In the early stages, I used YouTube a lot. I also looked at recipe blogs and Googled the answers to my questions. In particular, I learnt shaping and folding techniques that I wouldn’t have been able to grasp without studying it more detail. 

3. Connect with others.

One of my friends also started baking bread at the same time. Early on, we messaged each other quite often, exchanging tips and sending pictures of our successes and failures. I learnt a lot, and it kept me motivated to keep going until making a loaf of bread was part of my weekly routine. 

4. Learn from your mistakes.

Although bread-making is much simpler than learning a language, there are still so many things to consider. The ingredients are flour, water, oil, yeast and salt – each of these makes a huge difference (how much? what kind?). And there’s also the temperature and humidity of the room, how long you knead it, the length of time you leave the bread for each prove, how you shape it, the temperature of the oven, the baking time, where you bake it in the oven … Each of these was a learning curve for me. At the beginning, I was making big mistakes – sometimes the inside of my bread was raw, or it hardly rose at all, or sometimes it rose so high it would touch the top of the oven and burn. I’m still learning something new with each loaf.   

5. Don’t be afraid to experiment.

I tried different shapes, different flours, different proportions, different sizes, different toppings, different timings, different oven temperatures … all of these experiments were learning experiences for me and, although I always make a ‘good’ loaf of bread now, I still experiment and learn something new each time.  

6. Learning helps you learn in unexpected ways.

I’ve always enjoyed cooking, but never really thought of it as a ‘skill’ – maybe more of a ‘gift’ that some people have and the rest of us will always be mediocre. I was content to follow some simple recipes or make some tried-and-tested meals. I’d never really baked much before this year, and what I had baked was ‘edible’ but not something to write home about. Recently, I’ve found myself baking cookies, biscuits, pastries, brownies and cakes, and other kinds of bread like bagels. All of them have turned out very well. I’ve realised that, through the experience of baking bread every week for a year, I’ve developed skills and knowledge that I’ve transferred to other kinds of baking – without even trying. 

Learning a language isn’t like baking bread. It’s not just something you can do once a week while watching Netflix. However, I do wish I’d spent three hours a week on my Japanese learning in that time; I wonder what I could have achieved.  

As we look forward to welcoming students back to the British Council in Iidabashi, I hope you can start doing what I did with bread – with your English! This time next year, you might be looking back at a year of progress that has brought you nearer your goal and opened up a whole new world of opportunity.