By 英会話スクールチーム

2021年 06月 09日 11:00

ブリティッシュ・カウンシル英会話スクールの子ども向け英語コース(小学生~高校生対象)では、2021年春休みに初めてオープンゲーム「マインクラフト」を使った短期英語プログラムを開講しました。この企画開発を行った講師のNick WestonとDavid Lynchが、実際のレッスンを通じて発見したこととは? レポートをご紹介します。


ここ東京のブリティッシュ・カウンシルでは、英語学習を発展・促進させる技術ツールが数々取り込まれてきましたが、中でも際立っていたのは、教育版マインクラフト(Minecraft: Education Edition)の活用でした。知らない方に説明すると、マインクラフトとは、世界を構築することのできるオープンな仮想空間で、無限の創造的な可能性に満ちています。仮想レゴのようなものを想像してみてください。








(原文)Block by Block: Building English skills with Minecraft

As language teachers, we are always looking for bold and innovative ways to create engagement and facilitate communication for our learners. Last year marked a drastic change in how technology can be integrated into our classrooms be they physical or increasingly digital.

In Tokyo, we looked at many technological tools that could develop and facilitate language learning. One that really stood out was Minecraft: Education Edition. For those unaware, Minecraft is an open virtual environment inw hich you build a world, with endless creative possibilities – think of it like virtual Lego.

We recognised that there was a great deal of potential for using Minecraft as the basis for a language course to reach out to students who may not necessarily study English. It could facilitate communication, creativity, and collaboration, and create clearer contexts for language use.

Using Minecraft as the core of the course allowed us to create opportunities to connect with students who would have otherwise been reluctant to study English. Some parents said that it was in fact the first time their children had attended English school. 

Throughout the course, students were enthusiastically sharing their creations and finding ways to communicate: '[my child] naturally used English phrases about cooking while making a birthday cake in Minecraft with classmates. It was good that they were having English conversations naturally during the creation process.'

It was amazing to see the students’ creations as they made buildings for towns, simulated the effects of deforestation on a biome and virtual art installations representing abstract ideas.

One of the more prominent 21st century skills in education nowadays is digital literacy. In Japanese schools, coding has recently become a compulsory subject and is a popular topic for young learners. A parent said 'programming is a mandatory subject in school, so I thought it was a good opportunity to learn Minecraft this holiday. He [the student] plays Minecraft at home, so it was a good trigger for him.’

Students were able to develop and share their skills – having a mix of novice and experienced Minecraft users really gave a platform for peer teaching and learning. There was a surprising cross section of learners who came for Minecraft, English and because of their interest in the topics, which included deforestation and Sustainable Development Goals.

Feedback from students and parents was universally positive, and we feel we’ve only began to mine the full potential of the software in an English learning environment. We are excited about what the future holds and look forward to creating more opportunities for us to connect with students across the world and see what they can build.