Celebrating the achievements of alumni in Japan

ブリティッシュ・カウンシルは、英国留学経験者の業績と、英国の教育制度の成果に焦点をあてるStudy UK Alumni Awardsを実施します。

これまでの受賞者とファイナリストは、英国の大学で学んだ経験を活かして、地域社会や国、産業界に貢献した各分野のリーダーです。 Study UK Alumni Awards は、英国の高等教育の影響力や価値を紹介し、英国留学経験者と卒業大学の国際的な知名度を高めるために設立されました。

現在、英国以外の国に居住している英国留学経験者が対象です。詳細は、Study UK Alumni Awards のウェブページをご確認ください。


  • Science and Sustainability Award - Recognising alumni who have distinguished themselves through their career and achievements in the world of science and sustainability, and who can demonstrate the impact and scale of their achievements in their profession, and beyond.
  • Culture and Creativity Award - Recognising alumni who have carved a career for themselves in arts and culture. We are looking for individuals who can demonstrate their artistic ingenuity, influence and creativity.
  • Social Action Award - Recognising alumni who have made an exceptional contribution and commitment to creating positive social change and improving the lives of others.
  • Business and Innovation Award - Recognising alumni who are active in initiating and contributing to innovative or creative new ideas, solutions or business opportunities, that have the potential for growth.


   Applications closed
November - December 2022 Shortlisting of applications
February 2023 Alumni Awards winners' announcement national ceremony
March to August 2023 Global Alumni Awards finalists announced and cemebrated via social media 
September 2023 Global Alumni Awards announced
