Friday 16 September 2011

International Networking Event 
Education UK Lounge
- Six part series starts October 2011 -

The British Council, the United Kingdom's international organisation for educational opportunities and cultural relations, is to stage a series of networking events called the 'Education UK Lounge' in which international business leaders based in Japan will give talks on a wide variety of topical themes.

Future business leaders, people looking to forge international networks, people who have studied abroad or those thinking of doing so, and those looking for an opportunity for personal development are all welcome to attend. The six part series will begin in October with one event talking place every month until March 2012. The event will be staged in English and will consist of a talk from the speaker followed by a networking session with light food and drink.

Event details:

Name: 'Education UK Lounge'

Date and time/ talk content:  

<First session>
Monday 24th October 2011, 19:30 – 21:15 (doors open at 19:15)
'The future of the news'
Mr Graham Davis 
Managing Director, Japan & China, The Economist Group

<Second session>
Monday 14th November 2011, 19:30 – 21:15 (doors open at 19:15)
'The Rolls-Royce Group story. Delivering today, investing for the future'
Mr. Richard Thornley
President, Rolls-Royce Japan Co., Ltd.

<Third session>
Monday 12th December 2011, 19:30 – 21:15 (doors open at 19:15)
'Spreading your wings – working for a British multinational'
Mr. Vishal Sinha
British Airways Manager, Japan and Korea 

* Details of the fourth, fifth and sixth sessions will be announced at a later date.
* The above programme is subject to change.

Venue: British Council 

Language: English (no translation provided) 

Capacity: 50 people

Participation fee: 3,000 JPY (first-time participants will receive a members card which can be used at future events to gain a 1,000 JPY discount from this fee)

Booking: Participation in this event is by advance booking only.  
Please book your place from the Education UK website (Japanese only) at the following address: [The Page has been removed.]


See also