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Deeper learning with ExpertTracks

ExpertTracks are collections of courses designed to help you strengthen your skills by taking a deeper look at a subject. Start whenever you want and learn at your own pace as you work through a series of topic-focused courses. In each week of the courses, you’ll study a subject in-depth, share your ideas and experience and take short quizzes to check your understanding.

Sign up for a free seven-day trial, then subscribe to continue learning. Subscriptions cost £36/36€ a month and you can cancel whenever you want to.

ExpertTracks from the British Council:

Understanding IELTS

The four courses in this Understanding IELTS ExpertTrack provide a complete guide to IELTS preparation with advice, strategies and practice for all four parts of the test. At the end of the ExpertTrack, you’ll know everything you need to do to prepare for IELTS success. Take the courses in any order to focus on the skills you need.

Level: Introductory

Duration: 12 weeks/36 hours

Courses: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening

Find out more: Visit FutureLearn to find out more about Understanding IELTS

Exploring English: Language and culture

This ExpertTrack will deepen your understanding of the culture and history of the UK and also help you improve your English and give you opportunities to practise at every step.

The three courses look at aspects of modern Britain as well as looking back to some of the roots of British culture in the work of William Shakespeare and in Magna Carta, the foundation of our modern democracy.

Over the three courses, you will hear authentic English in interviews with people across the UK, you’ll do language activities based on the English you hear and you’ll share your own thoughts, experiences and opinions at every step.

Level: Introductory

Duration: 13 weeks/39 hours

Courses: Language and Culture, Shakespeare and Magna Carta

Find out more: Visit FutureLearn to find out more about Exploring English: Language and Culture

How to Plan and Teach Great English Lessons

The three courses in this ExpertTrack will help English teachers improve their lesson planning and preparation and let them take control of their own Continuing Professional Development.

The British Council’s CPD Framework identifies twelve professional practices that describe what a teacher does and helps you plan your own professional development. These three courses look at all twelve practices from Knowing the Subject to 21st Century skills and provide you with a wealth of great suggestions and ideas to take into your own teaching.

Level: Introductory

Duration: 12 weeks/36 hours

Courses: Lessons and Teaching, Learning and Learners, The Classroom and the World

Find out more: Visit FutureLearn to find out more about How to Plan and Teach Great English Lessons

English in Early Childhood

This ExpertTrack will help teachers and parents of very young children to discover how children learn languages and what you can do to help them get the most out of a language learning experience.

You’ll explore early childhood development and examine how young children learn English as well as discovering how and why children learn best through play.

Level: Introductory

Duration: 6 weeks/12 hours

Courses: Learning Language Through Play, Context and Communication, How Happy Children Learn

Find out more: Visit FutureLearn to find out more about English in Early Childhood.

Free courses on FutureLearn

As well as our ExpertTracks, the British Council offers a number of free courses for teachers and learners on FutureLearn. These include English for the Workplace and Teaching Young Learners Online.

Find details of all our FutureLearn courses on our FutureLearn partner page.