Webinar 4 April
Saturday 04 April 2020 -
11:00 to 12:00

 The British Council is offering a free webinar for parents of primary and junior high school students.In this webinar we will share advice on how you can support your child’s English learning at home. You can join for free, and in the comfort of your own home. See joining instructions below. 

Have you wondered how to use English at home with your child? Are you worried about practising English at home? Do you want your child to enjoy learning English outside of class?  In this one hour webinar we will look at the best ways to practise and develop language skills at home and look at the stages your child goes through as they develop as a learner. 

◆ Overview ◆◆

Date: Saturday 4 April 2020 11:00-12:00*

* Please note this is the same webinar as the event on 22 March.

* Unfortunately, the webinar as the event on 29 March had to be cancelled due to technical issues. We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused. 

Venue: Webinar

Best for: Parents and guardians with children aged 6-15 years old, and people who work with children of those ages

English level for participants: Pre-intermediate (CEFR A2) and above is preferred.

Fee: Free

How to join: this webinar will be hosted on Zoom, a free web-conferencing software. To join the webinar you will need:

  1. a computer (either laptop or PC)
  2. a broadband speed internet connection
  3. earphones or headphones
  4. a built-in or standalone microphone

To join the webinar go to www.zoom.us at least ten minutes before the start time, click on 'join a meeting' and type the meeting ID which is: 925-776-3577 Then click 'join'.

◆◆ Contact ◆◆

British Council English Teaching Centre (Tue-Fri 9.30-20.30, Sat&Sun 9.30-17.00)

Email: courses@britishcouncil.or.jp

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