
Matt Wright

The British Council has been working with Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) to support new JET Assistant Language Teachers upon their arrival in Japan.  

In 2022, we collaborated with MEXT to produce two brief guides aimed at all Assistant Language Teachers working in Japan. These guides offer suggestions, resources and practical tips on the topics below.

  • Culture and communication 

Culture and language interact in interesting ways, making it difficult to teach one without reference to the other. This guide will help you identify opportunities for bringing in a cross-cultural focus to your work in schools and includes example activities as well as advice on avoiding common pitfalls.  

  • Teaching writing: online resources 

The list of resources in this document include articles about how to plan writing activities and free resources that you can use in the classroom. The activities cover a range of tasks from simple word-level writing up to more complex connected writing tasks suitable for older students.