We provide training and consultancy services to university and industry rerepsentatives engaged with internationalisation and industry-academia collaboration.

  • UK Inward Mission for Japanese universities

    We provide a training programme for representatives of Japanese universities involved with internationalisation to visit the UK and deepen their understanding of the UK higher education system and the internationalisation initiatives of British universities.

  • Study in the UK presentations

    We are able to send specialist British Council staff to universities and other organisations to provide presentations and advice on study in the UK.

  • Lectures/workshops/staff training on the theme of reform and internationalisation in the UK’s Higher Education sector

    We can provide lectures, workshops and staff training on the theme of reform and internationalisation in the UK Higher Education sector. We are also able to recommend and approach appropriate speakers from the UK in response to particular requests.

  • Consultancy services

    We provide the following services to Japanese universities:

    • organisation of customised visits to UK universities/related organisations
    • arrangement of visits/meetings
    • skills training workshops for university staff related to university internationalisation
  • English training programmes

    We offer customised English courses for Japanese university staff delivered by British Council teachers. The courses are designed to include relevant skills for the university workplace and can include elements related to business writing, customer care, negotiation skills, international student support, receiving international guests and writing business letters.

  • IELTS – International English Language Testing System

    We can deliver the IELTS examination within university campuses for students or staff on any of the 48 test dates available annually. The results of the official IELTS examination can be used for study abroad and visa applications. In addition to the examination itself, we are also able to provide presentations on preparation for IELTS and study abroad.

For more details of each project, please contact us by email.