Photograph of the artist book placed on a rocky surface
Saturday 01 May 2021

The Rock Cycle (Yamaguchi)” is a cross-disciplinary project linking Yamaguchi and Scotland by artist Ilana Halperin, who works across geology and visual art. The project's artist book is now complete and will be celebrated at a special online event hosted by The Pier Arts Centre in Stromness on Orkney. Following Ilana's performative talk, Ilana and the curator Naoko Mabon will be joined in conversation by their three key Yamaguchi collaborators who contributed to the publication: Yoshihisa Nakano (Artist, and Professor at Yamaguchi University); Keijiro Suzuki (Contemporary Artist); and Kazuhiro Tanaka (Professor Emeritus, Trustee, and Vice President at Yamaguchi University). 

Date/time: 10:30-12:00 GMT (18:30-20:00 JST), Saturday 1 May 2021
Venue: online (Zoom)
Language: English
Booking: the event is free of charge but booking is essential. See the Pier Arts Centre's official website for more details.

More information/enquiries

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Visual Arts, Cross-artform, UK in JAPAN
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UK in JAPAN Programme