[Joint Announcement]
Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
British Council in Japan
Daiwa Foundation Tohoku Scholarships in partnership with British Council in Japan
We extend our sincere condolences to all those in the areas affected by the 11 March 2011 earthquake and tsunami in the north east of Japan.
In response to this disaster the Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation, in partnership with the British Council in Japan, launched a £250,000 scholarship fund to support Japanese students in the Tohoku region. We are now accepting applications for the 2012 round of scholarships.
The aim of this initiative is to support post-secondary level students affected by the March 2011 disasters, in particular those areas most affected (Miyagi, Fukushima and Iwate prefectures), seeking to study for a period at an educational institution in the United Kingdom. Applications will also be considered from students from the Tohoku region who are currently studying in the UK but who require financial support to continue their studies.
Scholarship applications may be submitted for the following types of courses, beginning in 2012 or 2013:
- Undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses (including foundation programmes) in all subject areas
- PhD and post-doctoral research programmes
- Vocational courses at universities and colleges of further education
- English language courses (e.g. pre-sessional courses, English language summer schools)
The amount of funding available will be determined on a case-by-case basis. Sufficient funding will be awarded to cover fees, living expenses and travel expenses for an applicant’s intended course, in line with its level and duration. Therefore, applicants are required to explain their vision for the future and financial plans as part of the application process. Priority will be given to students who can demonstrate seriousness of purpose and financial need. Successful applicants must secure a place on a course of study at a UK institution in order to take up funding.
Application forms can be downloaded from the British Council (Japan)'s website, and should include a personal statement outlining the purpose of study and long-term goals. Completed application forms should be sent to:
Daiwa Foundation Tohoku Scholarships section
British Council
1-2 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-0825
The application deadline is 15 June 2012 (applications postmarked up to this date will be accepted). Applicants who intend to study in the UK on courses of up to three months will be assessed on the basis of the application form alone; applicants who intend to study on courses of over three months will be asked to come to either London or Tokyo for an interview. The selection panel will assess applications and inform applicants who are selected for interview by early July. Interviews will take place on 10 and 11 July 2012 in London, and on 18 and 19 July 2012 in Tokyo. All successful applicants (for courses of both up to and over three months) will be informed of the results in mid-August.
(We are unfortunately unable to answer individual enquiries from applicants. Please refer to our “Frequently Asked Questions”, in Japanese, for more information about this scholarship scheme).
About Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation
The Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation is a UK charity, established in 1988 with a generous benefaction from Daiwa Securities Co Ltd. The Foundation’s purpose is to support closer links between Great Britain and Japan. It does this by awarding grants and scholarships in all fields of activity; by supporting educational exchanges and other bilateral initiatives between British and Japanese academics and students; and by organising a year-round events’ programme at Daiwa Foundation Japan House in London to increase understanding of Japan in the UK. The Foundation is represented in Japan by its Tokyo office. Further information about the Foundation and its activities is available at www.dajf.org.uk