British Council PrimaryPlus 2019

Autumn / Winter Semester now available!

Primary Plus is based on the principle of effective teaching in a positive environment. We believe these combined aspects elevate English from a short-term outcome to a lifelong skill to enable your child by equipping them for future challenges.

In Primary Plus children will tackle real-life tasks, working in groups and crafting researched answers and innovative solutions. The tasks are specially designed to match their developmental level, ensuring familiarity to the situation they learn in. Children communicate and engage with a variety of media, leading them to work collaboratively as well as to become more self-directed.

Based on extensive feedback and long-term development, Primary Plus gives priority to:

  • A 4-skills approach leading to communication in English (with a focus on developing literacy skills)
  • Ongoing development of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation
  • Building confidence and developing positive attitudes
  • Knowing other cultures to better know one’s own
  • A focus on the whole child: moving beyond language learning through the active promotion of creativity, critical thinking, IT skills and ‘learning how to learn’
  • The integration of IT and ICT skills into mainstream learning
  • Using a range of modern, communicative teaching methods including task-based learning (TBL), communicative language teaching (CLT) and content and language integrated learning (CLIL)


Primary Plus makes use of three communicative teaching methods: task-based learning (TBL), communicative language teaching (CLT) and content and language integrated learning (CLIL).

  •  What is CLIL?
     Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is based on the idea of ‘using language to learn, learning to use language’. This means students learn language while learning about other subjects, for example history, science and geography.
  • What is TBL?
    Task-based learning (TBL) puts an emphasis on task completion, with freedom to use any suitable language. Very often, tasks will have some real-world connection (for example, solving problems or making comparisons) and students have a chance to repeat tasks in order to make improvements and to have better opportunities for reflection.
  • What is CLT?
    Communicative language teaching (CLT) focuses on interaction and fluency. There is a high level of personalisation and a focus on using authentic, real-life texts.


We regard all students below the age of 18 as children, according to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989. We take our responsibilities towards the children in our care very seriously and we endeavour to make the British Council as safe as possible.

Since our Teaching Centre is located in a public building, parents or guardians should stay with their child until either the class teacher or designated teaching assistant arrives in the classroom.

As we are unable to supervise any children outside class time, we ask parents to ensure that students are dropped off and collected on time before and after classes.

British Council regulations mean that no child can leave the building unaccompanied after class. Children must be collected by a parent or nominated guardian. We cannot make any exceptions to this rule.


We are offering courses at Primary Plus levels 1 to 4, with placement according to the English ability of students. Courses are for students with a range of abilities, although students must have the minimum English-Language proficiency specified below.

■■Date■■ *

Every Sunday: Sunday 8 September 2019 – Sunday 22 March 2020
 (3 hours × 24week / 72 hours in total)


Primary Plus 1 – 9.00am to 12.00pm (including 15 minute break) 
Primary Plus 2 – 9.00am to 12.00pm (including 15 minute break)
Primary Plus 3 – 1.30pm to 4.30pm (including 15 minute break) 
Primary Plus 4 – 1.30pm to 4.30pm (including 15 minute break)

■■Course fee*■■

280,800 JPY (excl tax) Materials are included. No registration fee required.


Children must be studying at Elementary school and aged between 6 and 12 years old.

■■Minimum Entrace Requirements■■

Students should be

  • able to write and recognise all the names and sounds of letters Aa-Zz in upper and lower-case.
  • able to read and say simple, phonically-regular words.
  • write their own names.
  • able to attempt to spell phonically-regular words.
  • familiar with basic greetings and able to follow simple classroom instructions (sit down, stand up, listen, open your booklet etc.).


We are the world’s English experts. All British Council teachers hold professional teaching qualifications including CELTA, DELTA, PGCE, MA TEFL, TYLEC. They have extensive experience teaching both adults and children. Meet some of our teachers here.

■■Class Style■■



British Council (Iidabashi, Tokyo)

* There are no lessons between 1 December 2019 and 4 January 2020. 
* We offer face to face Study Support every week. This is designed to allow students who are sick or have a school event to be able to catch up on missed work.
* An instalment payment (2 times of 140,400 yen for Sunday courses excluding tax) option is available. The 2nd payment is due on 11 December 2019. Course fees require the relevant consumption tax. Due to the Japanese consumption tax rate change (effective on 1 October 2019), any payments made after 30 September will be subject to the new consumption tax rate (10%) 
* Dates and times may be altered and there may be class cancellations or additional classes added.

How to register

If your child satisfies course requirements for age and minimum English ability, please book our free placement test *. We will give you the registration information after the test. The child must be accompanied by a parent or guardian when they arrive for placement testing and while waiting for the placement test to begin. The child must be accompanied by their parent or guardian when leaving at the end of placement testing. 

*Placement test: Brief reading and speaking test 
*Booking a level placement slot does not ensure you will have an automatic space on the course. For example, classes may already be full or there may be no suitable options for your child. In these cases, we will provide you with alternative options to study with the British Council where possible.


British Council English Teaching Centre (Tue-Fri 9.30-20.30, Sat&Sun 9.30-17.00)

Related link: Meet our Teachers of Young Learners