Film reel

Image: (C) amana images

An archive of over 120 short documentary films made by the British Council during the 1940s is now available online.

The British Council’s film collection includes an archive of short documentaries showing how Britain lived, worked and played. Preserved by the British Film Institute (BFI) National Film Archive, the films are now available to the public for the first time - to watch and download.

Seen by millions of people in over 100 countries worldwide from the 1940s to 1960s, they present an historic snapshot of Britain, portraying its industry, its landscapes, and its people.

Today, we are beginning to make the whole Collection available right here, not simply as a fully catalogued resource available to watch once again, but to download too - and you are all actively encouraged to play with the films! We'll be adding more films, more background information, and more fascinating material from the paper archive here, throughout 2012.

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