With the aim of exploring new ways of engagement between arts institutions and diverse local communities, the British Council and London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) jointly delivered 'Discovery for 2021' from 2018 to 2021.
The LSO positions education and outreach as an integral part of their work. The orchestra’s world-leading music education and community programme 'LSO Discovery ' offers inspiring musical experiences to people of all ages and backgrounds who have not necessarily had much contact with classical music and musicians. 'LSO Discovery' gives insight into music for members of the public who would like to learn more, while bringing LSO members into contact with a wider public, as well as developing their interests and skills.
Through a collaboration and exchange of knowledge between members of the LSO, orchestral musicians in Japan and partners from diverse community groups in Tokyo, 'Discovery for 2021' explored and promoted new approaches to community engagement practices led by orchestras, and more widely, arts institutions in Japan and the UK.
In 2018 and 2019, Rachel Leach, LSO animateur and composer, delivered training designed to develop the skills and confidence necessary to lead a creative music making workshop for a diverse audience to a group of professional musicians in Japan. Following the training, the Japanese musicians, joined by two LSO musicians and Rachel Leach, led a series of workshops with diverse groups of people to collaboratively create a piece of music and to perform their newly composed piece in front of an audience.
In 2021, the Covid-19 pandemic made it difficult for LSO members to visit Japan, so we utilised content from the LSO's interactive web app ‘LSO Play’, now available in Japanese instead, delivering music workshops in primary and secondary schools in Japan and online seminars for musicians and school teachers.
Organised by: British Council
Special Cooperation: London Symphony Orchestra
Supported by: Arts Council Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture