New Directions 2019 Programme page


New Directions会議日程


9:00~17:40 パネルディスカッション、全体会議、分科会、シンポジウム
全体会議では、萩原聡 校長(東京都立西高等学校、全国高等学校長協会 会長)による「英語教育改革と評価 ‐ 高等学校が直面している課題」などの発表を行います。

9:00~17:20 パネルディスカッション、全体会議、分科会
全体会議では、渡部良典 教授(上智大学)による「評価に関する理解向上のための学び:2019年度全国英語試験結果の批判的分析(仮訳)」やバリー・オサリヴァン教授(ブリティッシュ・カウンシル英語アセスメント研究部門主席)による「日本における包括的学習システムの策定(仮訳)」などの発表を行います。


パネルディスカッション: Language Assessment Policy

The policy panel explores the theme of language assessment policy is shaped and implemented, and its impact on education. Keynote speaker and policy expert, Professor Joseph Lo Bianco from the University of Melbourne, is joined on the panel by experts from East Asia to discuss their experiences of and views on language assessment policies in the region. 


パネルディスカッション: Technology and Consequences

  • Chaired by Helen Yannakoudakis (Cambridge Assessment English)

This panel brings together experts from Japan, China, the U.S. and U.K., all experienced in the development and use of technology for language assessment. The panel will consider questions arising from the ever-expanding use of technology and the impact on education of its application to language assessment. 


シンポジウム: Standards and Frameworks in Language Assessment in East Asia

  • Discussant: Dr Jamie Dunlea (British Council Assessment Research Group)

The standards and frameworks symposium brings together expert practitioners working around the East Asia region to share their experiences of implementing standards in their contexts. This follows up on the theme of the Malaysia 2018 conference, which focused on the role of standards in education systems. How has the situation in East Asia developed over the past year? This symposium offers insight from some of the key players.



  • Alignment of Policy with Context – How decisions about language testing meet needs and goals.
  • Stakeholder Engagement – How language tests affect educational practitioners and test takers.
  • Assessment and Inclusion – Making tests fair and accessible for all.
  • Implementing Performance Assessment – The challenges and impact of assessing writing and speaking.
  • Technology and Consequences – The increasingly important and effective role of technology in language assessment.
  • General Strand – Other outstanding research in the field of language assessment.


ワークショップ – 12月7日(土)横浜国立大学にて開催

  • Eye-tracking colloquium: A talk, paper presentations, and discussion on the use of eye-tracking technology in language assessment research, with invited speaker Vahid Aryadoust (National Institute of Education Singapore). Find more about Eye-tracking colloquium (PDF 204KB).
  • Online learning: Neenaz Ichaporia (British Council Examinations and English Services, India) shares her knowledge and experience of delivering online training courses to support learners as they prepare for language tests, including practical examples of online tools that teachers can use for formative assessment. Find more about Online learning (PDF 136KB).
  • Statistics: “Measuring the unobservable: Introduction to latent variables and factor analysis using Mplus” with Dr Karen Dunn (British Council Assessment Research Group). Find more about Statistics (PDF 131KB).

