New Directions 2018 テーマ: Standards in Learning Systems.
New Directions 2018は、10月22・23日にクアラルンプールのグランドハイアットで開催され、世界中の英語教育や評価に携わる、政府や企業のリーダーを含む300を超える方々にご参加いただきました。
New Directions 2018が課題としてあげたのは以下の通りです:
- Whether standards should be the priority in ensuring that the English language ability of students is adequate for their future needs.
- The risks of borrowing standards from one system to set goals and make policy decisions in other contexts.
- The alignment of existing national tests to local or international proficiency standards.
- How these national or international standards inform language teaching and learning.
- The future role of artificial intelligence in language testing, particular in large-scale assessment.
- The adaptation of international standards and frameworks to localized contexts.